Our Mission & Vision
There is no doubt where the world stands with Jesus Christ. The wrong and sin going on in the world is evident. Our goal at Newton County Baptist Church is to make sure the world knows where we stand with Jesus: closely following Him and His Word.
Scripture makes clear the Kingdom of God is our number one priority. We work to accomplish this task in ways people are able to come along and join in. God chooses to work through His churches and we feel honored and privileged to work alongside the Creator of this world.
Leadership Team:
Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and understand we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ.
Andrew Campbell, Senior Pastor
As the primary teaching pastor, Pastor Andrew has a passion for carefully unpacking the truths of Scripture and applying them to the hearts of those at Newton County Baptist Church. He has served as Senior Pastor at NCBC since 2017. He and his wife, Kim, have 11 grown children who have blessed them with 21 grand kids. Kim is the Sunday morning worship leader and manages the 2 seasonal choir events at Christmas and Easter. Kim has been teaching for 19 years and currently teaches at Mount Judea elementary school. Pastor Andrew graduated with a Bachelor in Pastoral Studies from Liberty University in 2015.
Megan Guynn, Children’s Ministry Director
To effectively build a young generation of kids who love God and want to serve Him, a leader needs to love them and passionately want to see them grow. Megan has been given a deep and affectionate love to see young people grow in God. She directs and assists the Sunday school teachers for grades K-6 and makes sure we have properly trained adults to teach our children during Children’s Church.
Hunter Guynn, Youth Pastor
God has blessed NCBC with an individual who has a heart for student ministry who was raised up within this church. Pastor Hunter has been working with the students at NCBC as youth pastor since January 2017. His desire to serve young people goes beyond his role at the church. Pastor Hunter also teaches fifth grade at Valley Springs School. He has lived in Newton County most of his life and calls it home. His love for God, students, and our community make Pastor Hunter a wonderful servant at NCBC. Hunter’s wife Megan also helps him with youth classes and events.
Click here to read our doctrinal statement.
It will tell you in detail what we believe and why we hold to these beliefs.